How is the Current education system in Bangladesh? |
Education Out Loud (EoL)
Advocacy & Social Accountability (ASA) Project
Implementation period: January 2022 to December 2023
Total budget of the Project: BDT 25,703,950
The overreacting goal of CAMPE’s Education Outloud-Advocacy for Social Accountability project is to strengthen national civil society engagement in gender responsive education planning, policy development and monitoring to improve quality with equity in Bangladesh.
The plan has been developed based on the key principles set by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) under the Operational Component 1 (OC1) of the Education Outloud project, which would contribute for promoting a holistic view and mitigating various problems of fragmentation in education planning, implementation and governance mechanisms.
Based on the achievements and lessons learned from 2020-2021 Advocacy & Social Accountability (ASA), Project and given that the world has drastically changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, school closure, distance learning, CAMPE continued its advocacy during the emergency.
In order to attain the ultimate outcome, the project will emphasise on human rights, gender equality, cultural diversity, global citizenship, values and ethics, sustainability, livelihoods; formula-based financing which can help to understand issues relating to enhance capacities of the National Education Coalition for effective CSO engagement. It will ensure that education policies in support of the most marginalized are articulated and heard to make the state functionaries more accountable and responsive to the most marginalised at the national and sub-national. It will also build on the gains of civil society engagements in education policy reforms with the government as well as strengthen the abilities of its wide constituency of education advocates and movements.
This project intervention will create good governance and a friendly learning environment through community engagement. The participation of a diverse range of civil society groups is vital to prevent ‘elite capture’ of policy spaces, ensure that there is healthy debate and deliberation, and to ensure that civic space is inclusive even of those traditionally lacking in institutional power.
The project will contribute to enhance networking with people, civil society and other organized groups working for the right to education. It will also contribute to generate evidence, provide alternative analysis and counter narratives and perform a watchdog role towards ensuring effective engagement with the education sector plan, LEG, policymakers, legislators and other platforms to influence decisions and ensure a pro-poor and inclusive education policy environment in the ever-changing contexts.
One of the key objectives of the project is to lobby for increased education financing for curriculum, teaching-learning process and ensuring agreed minimum proficiency and GCED so that the most marginalised have improved access to education and have a better school to work transition that will help in attaining a prosperous and secure future.
The Project aims to work towards realizing the right to education through education sector plan and policies that will help the most marginalized get access to quality education that will develop their full potential. It is also hoped that the education will be geared towards developing the young generation’s knowledge, skills and abilities for technology as well as critical thinking skills. Finally, the Project aims to develop the agency of people to hold their government to account for the right to education.
CAMPE intends to extend support to the Government of Bangladesh, particularly at the school level, to strengthen the back-to-school initiative and support recovering the learning loss through multiple interventions that will impact civil society participation in the effort to improve the national education system in schools and thereby help the government to achieve SDG 4 targets by 2030.
The project aims to be sustainable beyond the project period as community ownership would be strongly rooted in its interventions so that education and employment opportunities for marginalized girls and women are a continuum.
The overall objective of the Project is to strengthen national civil society engagement in gender responsive education planning, policy development and monitoring to improve quality with equity in Bangladesh. The specific Objectives of the project are to:
1) CAMPE become more inclusive national education coalition by increased participation of CSOs and marginalized groups at national and sub-national level;
2) Enhanced CAMPEs capacities for increased CSOs engagement in policy dialogues;
3) Enhanced civil society capacities for increased participation and strategic influence in the formal education policy focused on quality with equity, education financing, gender and human rights education;
4) Established learning collaborative for institutional strengthening and improved effectiveness of advocacy initiatives for right to education;
5) Improved monitoring and accountability mechanisms of education sub-sectors to ensure adopting of transformative policies and programmes that accelerate access, learning outcomes, gender equality, and human rights education focused on leaving no one behind.
The objectives of the project will contribute to raising awareness on right to education and promote accountability of education service providers and policy makers at local and national levels. It will generate evidence, provide alternative analysis and counter narratives and perform watchdog role to ensure effective engagement with the education sector plan, LEG, policymakers, legislators and other platform for influencing the decision making and ensuring pro-poor and inclusive policy environment. The interventions will also contribute to increased education financing, curriculum revision, teaching learning process and ensuring agreed minimum proficiency so that the most marginalized, particularly girls and women’s, persons with disability, ethnic communities and other excludes groups, migrants and displaced population have improved access to education and have a better school to work transition.
CAMPE will also facilitate voices of the community and civil society actors to be heard at various levels in order to ensure effective program implementation and delivery, particularly to localise the GPE strategic objectives and make the state functionary more responsive. It is expected that the project will achive in the following outcomes:
• Increased participation of CSO and marginalized groups in CAMPE-led advocacy initiatives;
• Enhanced knowledge of CAMPE, constituency members and supportive stakeholders for influencing policy and practice change discourse;
• Increased civil society capacities to influence in formal education policy in the light of SDG4 and right to education;
• Improved engagement with learning collaborative for documentation of lessons learned and institutional strengthening;
• Strengthened CSO-led monitoring and accountability of education related duty bearers focused on adversity factors.