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Empowering Girls: Self Protection and Justice

As part of CAMPE’s effort to strengthen girls’ participation in education and promote Government initiatives undertaken by MoWCA and other ministries for the protection and safety of the girl child CAMPE and Foreign Commonwealth Office UK has signed an agreement to pilot a project titled Empowering Girls: Self Protection and Justice.

The project is aimed to create a coordinated effort to empower girls and protect themselves from being taken advantage of, within and outside home through establishing a common Help Desk which is accessible to all and based on the field reality and existing resources.

The project is being implemented in partnership with two of CAMPE’s member organizations BRAC and Rupantar at Moulvibazar and Satkhira respectively. Both these areas are known for its vulnerability as common trafficking routes and high rate of early marriage. Moulvibazar is particularly known for its NRB population residing in the UK who still follow patriarchal norms and practices that sometimes negatively impact

In continuum to this a Tools Development Workshop was held on Thursday 8th November at CAMPE The workshop was participated by gender focal points of CAMPE partner organizations and relevant Government departments like Directorate of Primary Education , Bureau of Non Formal Education and Ministry of Women and Children Affairs. A checklist and brief outline of the handbook was developed for use in the field survey.

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